The loose goals and utter in-game freedom encourage exploration and provide great incentive for the player to realise all of the inherent possibilities. There is a literal plethora of abandoned buildings and hidden areas to explore and almost all of them contain some kind of reward. Although the foliage is consistent throughout the game, the environments are extensive and the scenery varies - from contaminated creeks and swamps, to hills and elevated terrain. In fact, it is easy to forget yourself and imagine a proper hunting trip through scrub and forest with industrial detritus thrown in as a bonus. Being a true hunter, I can honestly declare S.T.A.L.K.E.R as the most realistic account of actually lugging a weapon in an open field. A breakthrough as far as gaming is concerned. Although the foliage is This game is utterly stunning.

Most bugs have been patched, and I highly recommend that everyone plays this spectacular game. Perfect for the harsh wastelands surrounding Chernobyl. Graphically, STALKER has some of the best dynamic lighting engines ever, and it's a game that holds off the bloom, so it has a distinctive "dirty" look. You will not walk away from radiation, without some medication. You will not take a shotgun wound standing. You will die of blood loss, if you don't bandage up wounds. STALKER tries to be annoyingly realistic. With 7 different endings, and a amazingly long single player mode, this game will deliver surprises both good and bad for years to come, especially with the huge modding community. To the players that man up, and fight there way through the zone, this will be a game that is played over, and over again. However, STALKER is not Call of Duty, nor is it Fallout, and especially not Oblivion, it isn't even an entirely perfect game.

STALKER is a lot of things, it's atmospheric, it's frightening, it's unique, and it's quite hard. Very few games now-a-days have the pure, innovative gameplay, that S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl provides. However, STALKER is not Call of Duty, nor is it Fallout, and especially not Oblivion, it isn't even an entirely Lately, the industry has been flooded with CoD-esque linear shooters. Lately, the industry has been flooded with CoD-esque linear shooters.